No under 13s

The Session

Wed Oct 11, 18:30 - Sun Oct 15, 13:20

Teatertent @ Wilgenhof­-tennisbaan


Die hedendaagse koshuislewe word ondersoek in dié komedie wat in die gange van die Simonsbergmanskoshuis gebore is. Die akteurs het saam die stuk geskep om hulle daaglikse ervarings in hierdie komplekse ruimte oor te dra. Onder die vergrootglas is onder meer die afbreek van verwagtinge, die soeke na liefde, storte en die gewelddadige ontgroening waarvoor manskoshuise vroeër berug was. Die stuk is opgevoer by die jaarlikse Palesa-koshuistoneelfees en as wenner aangewys.

Created in the halls of Simonsberg men’s residence, The Session aims to provide a genuine look into the current residence experience. The play was crafted through workshops and participation by cast members. It gives audiences a glimpse into the complicated spaces that residences occupy. Recurring themes are: the subversion of expectations, the quest for love, showers, and the violent initiation residences used to be notorious for. The Session was performed at the annual Palesa Residence Festival.


Benna Bezuidenhout, Arnold Ntumvi-Nguti, Dyane Sampson, Tyrese Human & Sonwabo Duna


The Session
Teatertent @ Wilgenhof­-tennisbaan
27 Victoria St, Stellenbosch Central, Stellenbosch, 7600, South Africa
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