No under 18s

Chenin Blanc - proe met Ken Forrester

Thu Oct 12, 12:00 - Thu Oct 12, 13:30

Die Khaya


Aangebied deur die Chenin Blanc-vereniging, Stellenbosch-wynroetes

Kom proe ’n keur van voortreflike chenin blanc-wyne saam met Ken Forrester, alias Mnr. Chenin, wat as vlagdraer vir dié kultivar ’n beduidende impak op die plaaslike wynbedryf het. Daar is meer chenin blanc in Suid-Afrika aangeplant as in die hele res van die wêreld, en dit word internasionaal as ons voorste kultivar gereken. Suid-Afrika word ook beskou as die pionier in die ontwikkeling van ’n nuwe geslag veelsydige style wat wynmakers elders ter wêreld inspireer om hulle eie unieke weergawes van dié kultivar te ontwikkel.

Come and taste a selection of excellent chenin blanc wines with Ken Forrester, also known as Mr. Chenin. He is the flag-bearer for this cultivar which has had a significant impact on our local wine industry. More chenin blanc is planted in South Africa than in all of the rest of the world, and internationally it is regarded as our leading cultivar. South Africa is also considered the pioneer in the development of new versatile styles that inspire winemakers across the world to develop their own unique versions of this cultivar.


Chenin Blanc - proe met Ken Forrester
Die Khaya
39 Ryneveld St, Stellenbosch Central, Stellenbosch, 7600, South Africa
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