Annelie Botes se Katvis

Tue Oct 10, 11:00 - Tue Oct 10, 12:00

EasyEquities Boektent


Aangebied deur/Presented by Penguin Random House

Ná ’n tyd van ingrypende liggaamlike trauma is Annelie Botes deur haar dokters verbied om self oor haar eerste roman in 12 jaar te kom gesels. In haar plek is die ou Gryse (Annelie se man, vennoot en versorger, Chris Botes), wat die skepping van Katvis woord vir woord meegeleef het, en die afgelope jaar dikwels namens haar moes praat. Katvis is die verhaal van Maria, wat uit 'n huwelik met ’n magsbehepte man na ’n veilige hawe ontsnap. Wanneer sy dit egter met net haar koffer en viool bereik, vind sy sy is deur 'n gewetenlose swendelaar gekatvis en die hel lê nog voor. Maryke Roberts vra die vrae.

Having undergone jarring physical trauma, Annelie Botes’ doctors refused to let her come and speak about Katvis, her first novel in 12 years, in person. In her place is the "ou Gryse" (Annelie’s husband, confidant and carer, Chris Botes), who experienced the book's creation and often spoke on her behalf. Katvis is the story of Maria, who escapes from her marriage to a power-obsessed man to a haven. When she arrives there, with only a suitcase and her violin, she finds an unscrupulous swindler has catfished her, and hell still lies ahead. Maryke Roberts asks the questions.


Annelie Botes se Katvis
EasyEquities Boektent
Annex next to the SU Museum, 52 Ryneveld St, Stellenbosch Central, Stellenbosch, 7600, South Africa
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