Family friendly

Nerina Reunion | Reünie 55

Sat Sep 16, 17:00 - Sat Sep 16, 20:00

Nerina Residence | Dameskoshuis


Celebrate Nerina turning 55 | Vier Nerina se 55ste verjaardag

It’s time to celebrate! Here at Nerina, we’re hosting our 55th birthday reunion on Saturday 16 September and we would love for you to be part of this grand occasion.


By the same token, your alma mater will also be ready to roll out the maroon carpet for Homecoming 2023. Reconnect with fellow Maties on the Stellenbosch and Tygerberg campuses from Thursday 14 September to Saturday 16 September.


Yet, back to our residence. Join us for a night of elegance and come and relive the nostalgia as we take you down memory lane. We have an evening planned where stories will be shared, friends will be reunited, and memories will be made once again in the space we all call home.


Come and enjoy a dinner in our dining hall just like you did all those years ago with those who have come before and after you – who proudly sang, “Nerina, ewig trou”.


Wear a pop of navy or purple as you join us for the festivities. Also, send us any photos of your time in Nerina to either email address in the invitation.


Here then, are the details:


Saturday 16 September

17:00 Dinner

Dress code: Semi-formal

Cost: R350


For any queries, you’re welcome to contact:


Vera Folscher – Alumni HC

C: 0605089936

[email protected]


Naomi le Roux – Alumni Project Manager

C: 0799235937

E: [email protected]


Our 55th celebrations promises to be a truly unforgettable experience (It’s half a century, after all!) and we hope to see you at a night of elegance.



Nerina Birthday Reunion Committee




Dis tyd om ordentlik fees te vier! Nerina bied met trots op Saterdag 16 September ons 55ste verjaardagreünie aan en ons wil graag hê jy moet deel wees van hierdie spesiale geleentheid.


Terselfdertyd staan jou alma mater ook reg om die maroen tapyt vir Tuiskoms 2023 uit te rol. Maak weer kontak met mede-Maties op die Stellenbosch- en Tygerbergkampusse vanaf Donderdag 14 September tot Saterdag 16 September.


Dus, sluit by ons aan vir 'n aand van elegansie en kom herleef die nostalgie terwyl ons jou geheue verfris. Ons beplan ‘n geleentheid waar stories gedeel, vriende byeenkom en herinneringe weer gemaak sal word in die plek wat ons almal huis noem.


Kom geniet 'n ete in ons eetsaal net soos jy al die jare gelede gedoen het saam met die wat voor en na jou gekom het wat almal eens trots "Nerina, ewig trou" gesing het.


Dra 'n raps blou of pers wanneer jy by ons feestelikhede aansluit. Stuur ook vir ons enige foto's van jou tyd in Nerina na ieder e-posadres in die uitnodiging.


Hiermee dan die besonderhede:


Saterdag 16 September

17:00 Aandete

Kleredrag: Semiformeel

Koste: R350


Jy’s welkom om ons met enige navrae te kontak:


Vera Folscher – Alumni-HK

S: 0605089936

E: [email protected]


Naomi le Roux – Alumni-projekbestuurder

S: 0799235937

E: [email protected]


Ons 55ste vieringe beloof om 'n onvergeetlike ervaring te wees (Dis immer ‘n goeie aantal jare!) en ons hoop om jou vir 'n aand van elegansie welkom te heet.



Nerina Verjaarsdagreünie Komitee



Nerina Reunion | Reünie 55
Nerina Residence | Dameskoshuis
2 De Waal Rd, Stellenbosch Central, Stellenbosch, 7600
Get Directions