NPA SOCA Community Dialogue
Sat May 27, 08:30 - Sat May 27, 14:00
NPA Building
FREE workshop for all parents struggling in the court system with maintenance, care and access around their children. There will be a team of professionals facilitating various topics around the issues faced in the legal system, come and get empowered to fight for your child.
The invite is extended to all attorneys, paralegals, mediators, social workers and those working in the field of child maintenance and family matters.
This is a community rising up to create the difference that is needed in our society.
A line up of our speakers and topics for discussion:
Advocate Deon Ruiters - Senior Prosecutor NPA: Practical Tips for Maintenance Applicants for new applications and attachment applications.
Mr Eugene Opperman - Attorney Oppermans Inc: Parental alienation – what it is and what it is not from a legal perspective. Understanding the types, stages and intensity of parental alienation with a discussion of case law and addressing common misperceptions.
Natalie Ruiters - Mediator La Poppie Mediations: Parenting Plans and the enforceability of Parenting Plans.
Adv Deon Ruiters - Introduction to debate on Paper 157
Mr Eugene Opperman (FAMAC, ADR, LEAD Mediator) and Mr Laurie Greyvenstein (NABFAM, Social Justice Mediator) - Summary of Paper 157, practicalities of mediation, advantages, constraints and process of maintenance mediation.
Adv Deon Ruiters - Senior Prosecutor NPA: The SA Law Commission Paper 157 on Maintenance - Chapter 9 Recovery of future default amounts as a result of a delay in the execution process.
Ms Ronel Ras - Mediator: Section 10 (6) Interim Maintenance
How to request interim maintenance after first appearance at maintenance courts