ozzy's stomach operation


hello everyone

my name is Cayley I am 15 years old and I'm raising funds for my Boston terriers operation. our sweet Ozzy came to us when he was just 3 weeks old from an abusive breeding center which we didn't know since we got him he brought our family together and made us happy in our darkest times he is our precious Ozzy. when he was 1 year old he was hit by a car but thank the lord it was only his leg but it was fractured. he healed over time and he was once again our sweet precious Ozzy always saying hello with excitement and giving all the hugs and kisses you could ask for. recently he started vomiting not eating or drinking and just being a very sad and scared little Boston. our vet says we need an operation for Ozzy to remove an object in his intestines. but our finances won't allow it. we can't lose our precious ozzy as he is part of our family and we don't know what we will do without him. but we cannot see him struggle like this so we ask you please to help us save our Ozzy. God bless you.

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