Feed Our Dogs


We’re here today to raise funds for the less fortunate dogs of our lovely country. The canines without food or shelter are the ones our hearts cry for when we drive past them in the street. When we see them getting chased away from populated areas while they’re desperately searching for food and or shelter.

We understand that pet supplies are expensive , we don’t not expect huge donations , we’d just like for their to be enough donations for us to reach our goal.

Now let’s get into that goal of ours. Food and fresh water is of course our priority with this fundraiser , but we are also taking into account that we may be able to have some of the rescues neutered or spayed. This is the prevention method. There are roughly 4.1 million stray dogs in South Africa alone. This may not come close to bringing those numbers down but it is definitely a start.

Thank you for your time and love.

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Refund policy No refunds


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