Helping Reané


Reané was a normal, healthy 13-month-old baby until the morning of the 3rd of September 2022. In the early hours of the morning she began struggling to breathe and Mom got concerned when this worsened. At 02h30 she was rushed to Helderberg Hospital. She was admitted and doctors began work immediately.

Originally, they thought it was diabetes when they tested her blood sugar at 37, but later she went into septic shock. By 08h00 she was taken by ambulance to Tygerberg Hospital. There she was stabilized and admitted to ICU. She had heart and kidney failure, her HB-score was very low and she had infection in both lungs. Within a few hours she was a very ill baby. Reané did not excrete urine like she was supposed to and her kidneys were under pressure. X-rays were also taken of her lungs as well as MRI scans and a biopsy of her kidneys.

On Friday 9 September, she was diagnosed with aHUS (Atypical Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome. Reané was then transferred to ICU on The Red Cross Children’s Hospital.

Doctors are currently administering plasmapheresis and dialysis daily. Gene tests from America will also have to be done soon and they told the family that both kidney and liver transplants will likely have to be done. Doctors said she will have to stay in hospital to receive treatment for at least 3 months.

This is an extremely difficult and uncertain time for the family and we want to contribute by raising funds for Reané’s treatment. 

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