

Help Basma be in peace with her body 

Hi there, my name is Basma, and I'm a trans woman from Egypt. I'm raising funds to help cover the costs of going private for another SRS surgery to fix SRS surgery i have done privately in 2020 and ended up badly (Sex Reassignment surgery, 'bottom surgery') because I have no idea if any governmental hospital will ever refer me for the surgery. I have been waiting almost two years now, and I have not even had an initial appointment, let alone discussed surgery with the governmental hospitals. It is known for trans people to wait a decade for surgery referrals here in Egypt.

So I am sitting with an indefinite wait while I am currently working in a part-time job barely paying for my rent, food and HRT. It's hard for girls who aren't doctors or engineers to find good paying jobs here in Egypt. 

I strated saving for SRS surgery in 2018 from a decent job i found, i came out as trans in the early of 2020 but my family didn't accept me so i left home and found a rent, managed to start self meditating HRT (hormone replacement therapy) via online resources because no clinic accepted to help. I done the SRS surgery that ended up badly in october 2020 on the hand of a doctor who i finally found and accepted to do this surgery for me but he was a butcher and missed up the surgery and i couldn't even sue him as it was illegal surgery to be done privately in Egypt. 

I had a new egyptian local ID with my new name (Basma) and female gender assigned on it in may 2021 as i don't have male genitals any more and look and dressed up as a girl as the egyptian law requires.

I have been lucky and changed so much in this time. I am so much happier now. I never dared to hope that I'd be this much happier. My body feels like it's mine when I look in the mirror for the first time in so many years. Unfortunately, this wonderful gift underlines the discomfort I feel with that which still does not look natural or nice and can't get married with as it doesn't have any depth. i have so many problems in peeing and gone to so many doctors who refused to help because I'm trans. 

And so I ask for help with this life-changing surgery I cannot afford. I ask for help to finally be at peace with my body.

I have chosen to have my surgery in Thailand at the specialist Suporn Clinic. They offer a proprietary SRS technique that many consider the best in the world. It is a combination of vaginoplasty and vulvoplasty. The surgery costs close to $15,000.

I made my choice based on price and safety. Suporn Clinic has incredibly low complication rates and very high satisfaction rates. This is important as many girls will require follow up surgeries. Additional surgery is very rarely needed with the Suporn technique. However, there are always risks with surgery.

My fundraising target is the exact remaining surgery price converted to pounds from Thai Baht when I last checked. The final price will be slightly different based on the conversion rate at the time of payment.

While the surgery will involve additional costs for travel and accommodation I am not fundraising for these costs. I chose the surgery knowing these costs, so I do not feel it is fair to ask for help paying them.

I am so excited to start this next chapter of my life in 2022 but I need your help to make that next chapter a reality! I never wanted to crowdfund, I've tried as hard as I can to pay for my transition independently but I cannot afford it now.

Anything you can give will mean the world to me!

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Refund policy No refunds


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