SKOP Projects Sutherland


SKOP is back! Despite there being no Afrikaburn this year (did you notice?) the Sutherland Kuns & Ontwikkelings Projek received some funding to explore a project in Sutherland this month.

Helena and Raynard are currently in a crisp Sutherland to work with six local ladies; Maridine Jason, Carmen de Bruyn, Martha Manella, Desire de Wet, Anthea Brown en Mona-Lisa Roman; on Nathan Honey's new concept.

We're exploring ways to reimagine San/Khoe huts with the combination of the most relevant of ancestral skills and knowledge and modern materials and methods. The original inhabitants of this harsh climate (Sutherland being the coldest place in SA and the Tankwa being no stranger to extreme temperatures either) survived with very little; and we are looking to see how we can utilise that today, in the wake of climate change...

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