Clifton School



from 52 reviews
"Absolutely brilliant !!! A wonderful journey and such attention to detail an"
- Ayesha
"Beautiful concert … it fills my heart seeing the talent of the young children in South Africa "
- Anonymous
"Booking was a simple process as was the seating arrangement with clear visibility at the theatre. It started promptly, which is always a win. From the first note of the excellent music choice the audience on night one was captured into silence. Every scene had us sitting in stunned silence, with eyes wide open not wanting to miss an iota. When the scenes came to end, we held our breaths - processing the message conveyed and revelling in the exceptional stage presence of every cast member. Night 2 did not disappoint, a slightly older audience allowed for the humour to be enjoyed and the audience interaction could be heard by the cast. Again, the poignant message conveyed left the theatre in absolute riveted silence. A HUGE congratulations to every member that helped on this production - you can be so proud."
- Anonymous
"It was really admirable to watch school going children involved in a play of such exceptional standards. The story line was very thought-provoking, and it helped to read the synopsis before the start of the play, as it added more context to the message being portrayed. "
- Rehana
"INCREDIBLE SHOW!! The words to each song as well as the history lesson! i think this should be staged EVERY YEAR. as an annual concert."
- Angie

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