Cornerstone Institute



from 35 reviews
"Brilliant panel, learned a lot but also realised we have a lot of work to do."
- Thabile
"I really enjoyed being there. I found the quality of speakers and presentations relevant and thought provoking. The diversity of perspectives was quite refreshing - from practical to metaphysical, it gave me a sense of appreciating the human journey holistically."
- Anonymous
"The event was really informative. As someone who has just returned from being overseas for 6 years, I previously worked as a lecturer (in the TVET sector and as an UMALUSI moderator) before and wanting to get back into higher education, this has given me some insight into the developments in private higher education and in higher education generally. "
- Anonymous
"This was an event with a difference. I left feeling challenged but determined to make a change in my life. All the Speakers were authentic, inspiring and spoke with wisdom. I hope there are more events like this in the future "
- Anonymous

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