Playtopia 2023



from 39 reviews
"What an incredible event. I feel sad for all those people around the world who weren't able to make it. To hear people who are top of their game speak about the processes and values - and tips and tricks - that they use in their work was a thrilling privilege. I loved hearing the specialists. I loved hearing the stories of the youngsters who don't have much experience of speaking onstage, but whose stories were touching and madly inspiring. How lucky we were to meet visitors from other parts of the continent, and be able to learn more about the work they are doing. There's no doubt that something globally significant is happening in the world of African game design. The event was gorgeously designed, and took place at the District 6 Homecoming Centre, a perfect building for the kind of multi-leveled, interconnected series of events and exhibitions that comprise Playtopia. I'd recommend this event to any creative person, in any field. If more of us worked with the kind of principles and approaches used by Free Lives and Super Friendship Arcade (the two collectives that originated Playtopia), we would enjoy our working lives even more, and could be sure that were - at the same time - making the world a better place. Bravo, Playtopia."
- Anonymous
"This was my first time attending playtopia and I loved every second of it, met new people. It is the space for gamers."
- Robyn
"Shockingly well organised <3"
- Steven
"Exceptionally presented and a wonderful showcase of local creativity and talent. The talks were insightful, relevant and accessible with a little something for everyone. "
- Ivan
"Awesome! Well organized and super inclusive. Every talk had something insightful and inspirational. I am looking forward to next year's event."
- Ryan

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