Anne's Journey


We are pleading for help from anyone who might be able to assist us during this time. 

Anne Marie is 45 and was diagnosed with Leiomyosarcoma (LMS) in February of 2023, LMS is a rare and aggressive type of soft tissue sarcoma, which is a cancer of the nerves, muscles, fat and other soft tissues that surrounds. Currently, there is no cure for leiomyosarcoma. The chance for remission is best if the tumor is low grade and is diagnosed at an early stage, but leiomyosarcoma (LMS) is an aggressive cancer that is often diagnosed at later stages, when it has spread to other parts of the body.

Fortunately Anne Marie was diagnosed with stage 2 Leiomyosarcoma, her cancer started in her buttocks and the oncologists are trying their upmost best to keep the cancer isolated. Anne Marie is in constant pain and unable to sit properly due to the cancer. Since being diagnosed she has been unable to work or cover any of her expenses due to medical costs rising. Anne Marie attends daily oncology appointments and is currently undergoing one session of chemo radiation per day. Ending at 25 cycles of chemo.

Anne Marie has always supported her family and friends ,by helping them through their own obstacles financially and personally, she is known for her kind hearted acts ,her care ,honesty and support. Helping everyone she possibly could in need and putting herself last to ensure other's wellbeing. Anne Marie and her partner were working towards a dream of starting their own creative business when the tragedy of the cancer uprooted their lives. Anne Marie was the sole breadwinner of her family and can no longer work. 

She is pleading with the public to open their hearts towards her and her family so they can function as a unit to cover all the necessary costs of her medication , transport and oncology bills.

We are asking the public to please open their hearts to her and to her family to get them through these difficult times..

If able please please send them love , light and if possible a donation. Every R10 will help us.

Any donations will truly be appreciated by heart.