Arrayah Centre


Arrayah Centre was created when the founder realised there is no place for her son, where he can be himself, be happy and get all the therapy and education needed. Arrayah Centre is for every special needs child out there.

Never should a special needs child be left behind. Never should a special needs parent feel that there is no hope. Arrayah aims to create a special needs community where we are able to help very severe to less severe kids from toddler to primary phase to senior phase. Providing all the essential therapy and education necessary.

Programs to help them to be successful in the adult world, a place where they can contribute to society in a meaningful way and live independently as much as possible with the necessary support. A home away from home...

A place where parents will be able to feel they have support, that they are not doing this alone. A place to learn things they can do at home to make it better. A place where everything is in one place.

Arrayah is the lighthouse in the darkness for every special needs child and adult out there. Please help us, in making a difference, in making this a reality.

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