Women of Word and Faith


Women of Word & Faith is inviting all women from different denominations to join our 2023 Mentorship program. 

The theme for this program as inspired by the Holy Spirit is:


Yes! Many women struggle to find their purpose and for different reasons of course but this program will equip women to:

¦Find freedom from the struggles that have held them hostage by learning new ways to experience God's love.

¦Surrender their deepest hurts by processing them in a godly way with Jesus, a friend who understands their pain.

¦Hear the Lord speak intimately to their hearts by learning how to seek His direction.

¦Release the tension of  wondering, If God is near why does He sometimes feel far away by spending guided time with Him each day.

If women can heal, the world can heal!

Brought to you by:

*Women of Word & Faith*

Interdenomination ministry

Contact: Kagiso Moloko

Cell: 073 544 8757

 _"Oh taste and see that the Lord is good! ~Psalm 34:8"_

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