

This is the first event being hosted by Richmanrun.

Richmanrun is a dream that is fast becoming a reality and hopefully a movement.

We all know what the benefits of exercise are for our physical as well as mental well being. I found this through running, particularly trail running 10 years ago.

In a difficult time in my life I stumbled onto running first road running and then after injury I switched to trail running and haven't looked back.

It didn't take me long to get hooked on the feeling trail running offered me, I was able to start dealing with struggles I faced in life out on the trails.

The more time I spent in nature and realising how small and insignificant I was but at the same time realising how important each and every human on this planet is

and how we all have a purpose and ability to be the best versions of ourselves and there are ways to release that realisation by allowing your body and mind to realise their full potential.

Therefore enriching yourself on a journey through exercise and seeing what you are capable of mentally and physically.

This 10 year journey had led me to start Richmanrun as an events company promoting the sport of trail running and endurance events in Limpopo, South Africa.

I hope to make this the first of many annual events and get Sports Tourism going in Limpopo.

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