Neil Sandilands



Dit gaan lekker wees en dis somer! Sien uit om jou sien! Dié is 'n baie spesiale show saam met my vriend Schalk Joubert, en ons gaan net so paar van dié shows doen, vir eers. Dis hun belofte. Die wat weet, wéét.

Neil Sandilands is a two time SAMA & Emmy nominated artist. He is renowned for his beloved character Bart from 7de Laan and the various roles he has played over the past 34 years; including the Netflix series "Sweet Tooth", TV Series' Orion, the very popular Desert Rose and presently he can be seen as the presenter of "Die Groot Niks" on KyKNET. He was also seen earlier this year in "Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes".

He teams up with his longtime friend and musical director, the SAMA-award winning Schalk Joubert (Oppiestoep) for Namib Sushi Junkies. The duo show presents an assortment of songs from Sandilands' pen and promises to be a stripped down version of the performances audiences have come to love during his nationwide sold-out tours. His raspy voice, killer lyrics, acoustic guitar and ukulele, accompanied by Schalk Joubert on bass is at once mesmerizing and yum. Sandilands offers insight with entertaining anecdotes of how the songs came about.

The banter between Schalk & Neil is where the Namib Sushi Junkies fits in. Ha!

Show suited to an adult audience of 16 years and up.


from 28 reviews
"Absolutely wonderful event. Thoroughly enjoyed it!"
- Anel
"Ek moet hartseer laat weet ons kon dit nie maak nie. Wou bitter graag gekom het maar omdat ons in Pretoria bly en dit verskriklik gereen het, het ons teen dit besluit om deur te ry en te kom kyk. Hoop hulle sal weer optree en dan sal ons dit nie misloop nie"
- Rita Botha
"Dankie vir die Afrikaans.....Neil, jy is fantasties in als wat jy aanpak. Dit was regtig lekker om jou weer te sien na al die jare....en ja, ek dink nie die Gedenksaal is die gepaste plek vir "balletjie" nie !!!"
- Albert van Tonder
"Outstanding performance of very talented, intelligent and original musicians. Venue very good, comfortable seats, great acoustics. Before "party" great for mingling and getting in the right vibe."
- Lizette

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