Allure Sensuality Emporium


Awaken your senses & spice up your love life with Allure. We have an incredible range of high quality, affordable and satisfying products. Come to our emporium and see the best collection of sex toys Cape Town has to offer. We provide each customer a specialized, educational experience and are here to ensure you have a healthy, pleasurable and fulfilling sex life!


I’m Sari. I own and run Allure Sensuality from my shop in Milnerton, Cape Town.

People often ask me what I love most about my work. The answer to that is very simple. I love people. I enjoy helping them in their journey to self-discovery and help unravel the world of sex toys for them. I appreciate how hard it is for a first time buyer to pick up the phone and call me to make an appointment. People are usually very shy, embarrassed and even apologetic because they don’t have enough knowledge when it comes to sex toys and other adult products. Even experienced clients looking to try new things need advice and have questions.

I feel privileged that you chose me as your personal guide in your quest to find the right product for your needs. My aim is to make you feel welcome and at ease and to give you all the time to process the information provided. I encourage you to ask questions, that you otherwise would not ask, so you can make an educated decision when making your purchase…

If you can’t make it to my sex shop in Cape Town or just prefer the privacy of online shopping for sex toys but still need some advice use the live chat box, email or call me, I’ll be happy to help.

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