
I am Luyone Ndinisa a certified Barista. I am very passionate about what I do. My love for coffee is escalating every second and everyday I pour my heart in a cup of coffee to make the next person smile.

I am from south Africa, born and raised in Cape Town in a township called Khayelitsha, where everyone careless about your passion especially my passion for coffee. With a mindset of not knowing anything because of lack of resources, education, and finances. Which I am willing to educate, liberate those who want to share the same passion so they may be able to break the chains of poverty and prosper. Currently I reside in Johannesburg in a small area called Yeoville where I'm still working to make my dreams and the others out there into reality.

For all this passion to become a reality it all start with a fine single coffee machine. Which I come to you all for assistance. The coffee machine is a Barista most valuable tool .. from cleaning it, setting, streaming and the powerful coffee drips on that porter filter makes that morning smile brighten the day.

I need the mentioned amount because the coffee needs a good

An excellent Barista with the best coffee machine. This amount with help to get the best coffee machine for start up.

I would like to make all this possible by end of August 2022 as I have already made other preparations to begin this adventurous journey.

I will use these funds to buy a coffee machine and a grinder to began a black child's dream