Johnman Concerts


The heritage Johnman properties in the historic core of Stellenbosch offer discoveries to delight the visitor: 19th Century homes nestle along the oak-lined pavements of Herte Street, a peep over lime-washed walls reveals extensive gardens – and music spills from ‘Camido’, the Victorian home left by Dorothy and Charles Johnman to serve as a Music Centre for future generations.

From this heritage spring the Johnman Concerts. These Friday evening concerts express the educational purpose at the foundation of the Johnman Trust: they provide the opportunity for emerging youthful talent to share the love of performance in an intimate setting. The collaborative chamber music programme draws on the talent and energy of young performers, some of whom are already highly sought after.

Concerts take place at 19 Herte Street, Stellenbosch on Fridays, starting at 19:00.

Because of limited space, early booking is recommended.

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