Jeanine Harties Omgee


Jeanine Harties Omgee current status is a Non Profit Organization, that assist less fortunate :

· School Feeding Program within Hartbeespoort Dam

· Families & Children with a small income or no financial income at all.

· Elderly people with a small or no income / with no family or relatives.

· Families / Children / Person’s in crisis with no food / clothing / shelter / medical supplies.

The school feeding program provides food in the mornings before school, break times, as well as a food parcel to ensure that the children do not suffer any malnutrition and can perform a proper school day, as well as healthy learning ability.

These children also received food parcel’s for their families to ensure that is meals / food available at all times for the whole family that financially cannot afford the purchase of groceries, as well as ensuring that the families can survive without having the children removed from their parents due to the financial obstacles they face.

We have a lot of families that either has a very small income that can only pay their rent, but not the basic groceries, or toiletries.

The Hartbeespoort Community has a lot of elderly people that do not have any family or children that can assist with food, or any basic medical care. Mostly bed ridden elderly that are in need of healthy foods, proper medication, toiletries (nappies), as well as the basic items to ensure that there is a good hygiene aspect.

Jeanine Harties Omgee relies on donations from the community itself, as well as sponsors that assist regularly with certain food items in bulk, or donation’s made into the NPC bank account.

Jeanine Harties Omgee assist’s with food, clothing, shoes, bedding, furniture (should we receive such donations) Medical supplies.

All donations we receive, are well used and given back into our community to ensure the wellness of our children and their families, as well as our elderly.

We can also provide a 18A Tax certificate for all donations

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