

#FunkItImWalking is a registered South African NPC that hosts night walking tours in Soweto. Soweto is an international tourist destination with numerous heritage sites and experiences. Established alongside now predominantly dormant mines in the City of Gold, the evenings in Soweto have a unique, brisk and crisply refreshing weather experience. This enables night walks within the community, keeping tourists in the historic townships longer, and enjoy the vibrant Soweto Night Life.

The night tours commence at a bespoke Soweto Restaurant. This is the main base for the evening. The group visits at least two heritage sites along the 3 - 5 km walking site, with a "tavern experience" (local pub/bar).

The evening walks are safe and have been taking place in Soweto for a number of years, accompanied by members of the Local Policing Forum who also make an income for community safety.

Previous walks can be seen on our facebook, twitter or instagram page all @funkitimwalking.

Along the walk, tourists are entertained by the music, arts and culture of Soweto

#FunkItImWalking aims to make it safe for a womxn to walk at any time of day in any condition. The ethos of the organisation stems from the understanding that safer communities are healthier and they thrive. The #FirstThursdayNightWalk, extends the existing tourism audience to stay longer, to stay over. #SowetoSaturdays seeks to make it valuable and sustainable to exist as a clean community in the absence of litter and illegal dumping. #FunkItImWalking promotes health, safety and the environment while creating employment/growth opportunities, developing communities on the ground.

We are who we have been waiting for.

#FunkItImWalking, lets walk to freedom.

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