Salma Maganezi FLMUN


My name is Salma Maganezi, I’m a student at the University of the Western Cape studying Psychology. I have been granted with an opportunity to go to Istanbul, Turkey and be a part of a Future Leaders Model United Nations and I get to bring awareness to the issues we are facing in South Africa.

I would like to target the mental health issues that are faced in South Africa. The reason I want to go is because I want to see and be taught the best way that I can lead this country to a better place by helping men, women and children through dealing with emotions. This subject is very close to my heart as I know what it is like to struggle with mental health and I do not want to see anyone suffer too.

I am asking you all to please help me raise R30 000.00 to help me go to Turkey so that I can be a part of this opportunity and  learn how to be a leader. Thank you, and I would appreciate the support. 

Please feel free to click on the link provided down below for further information or you can watch my video by clicking on the Facebook icon that is linked down below too. Thank you so much for the support.

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