Avondale Outdoor & Active



from 74 reviews
"Fantastic day, lines and mulch jump running sweetly, as always, so worth it. Thanks"
- Anonymous
"Great track. Very well made including the new big jump "
- Shane
"First shuttle experience in the WC! Quite happy with how it all went, there were enough shuttles for the large turnout. The trail is good and the maintenance team were there to fix any issues. Plus the medics on site was nice to see. I'd love it if there was more choice to the lines, but I also know that's a lot of work and what's already there is really impressive. I'm thoroughly content with it and would love to experience it again."
- Drikus
"All good...thanks again for an awesome day...??"
- Arrie Swanepoel
"Awesome flow trail, upgraded shuttles and stunning people, thanks. "
- Max

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