Drive-In @ The Range


The Range CC in collaboration with AV Direct CC bring you a relaxed and safe Drive-In experience at The Range in Tokai for the coming months ahead.


June Movie line-up:

12 June - Beauty & The Beast (2017 - Disney)

13 June - Sweet Home Alabama (2002 - Romance / Rom-com)

19 June - The Avengers (2012 - Superhero Action)

20 June - Dolittle (2020 - Great Family Adventure Movie for Fathers Day)



Ticket Pricing:

1-2 people per car - R220

3 p/car - R300

4 p/car - R360

5 p/car - R400



Arrive from 17h00 to secure a parking bay and order your burger (beef, chicken or vegetarian) & chips and any other refreshments we have on offer.


Movie starts at 19h00 on Saturdays and 18h30 on Sundays.


Please note that should the screening be cancelled due to bad weather or any other Covid related restrictions - your ticket will be transferred to another preferred date.

Contact us on the following e-mail for any further queries. [email protected]

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