Suits & Sneakers



from 919 reviews
"I enjoyed the event and the refreshments on offer, I loved the interaction after the talk it was very informative. Tiffany's talk was great, I enjoyed her stage presence and they way she personalised it with her husband and mother at the event with some banter. The slides were original and catchy. I really enjoyed Mark's introduction and the way he introduces brands, very informative. I also really, really enjoyed Tiffany's sharing of her personal journey. Very inspiring. "
- Kim
"I found it truly informing and engaging and I look forward to attending more of these sessions!"
- Cindy
"Visionary. Mark was inspirational. Would have preferred the guys preceding did less selling and more speaking."
- Craig
"Mark is an absolutely phenomenal speaker, found it very motivational and thoroughly enjoyed myself. Amazing venue, food, drinks gift bags everything! So glad I got to be a part of it!"
- Kirsty
"I was skeptical to attend this workshop online. I have done self development workshops before and there are benefits that you receive from being in a room with people who are there for the same reason than you that I could not image possible with an online event. To my surprise, I still found adequate value from the online workshop. The content was not new, but the way it was structured and presented was excellent. I have respect for Mark for showing his vulnerability and in that, I was moved and also felt that I can allow myself to be authentic and vulnerable in my sharing. The fact that the workshop was also presented with a "corporate flavor" allowed me to convey a message with more understandable terminology to some of my "less spiritual" souls. :-) As with anything, the real benefit will be in implementing the knowledge into my life. I am going to make small changes to instill new behaviors now that I am aware that this could impact my Happiness! Again, thank you Mark, I really appreciate you! I wish you success and HAPPINESS on your journey... "
- Susan de Lange

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