

Play Sport4life (PS4L) is registered as a Not for Profit Organisation (141-276-NPO) in 2014 and as a Public Benefit Organisation (PBO) based in Cape Town, South Africa. 

Our core focus is working in impoverished communities surrounding Cape Town supporting community-based programmes that improve the capacity of marginalised and poor communities in urban and informal settlements.

Through our programmes we:

• provide access to physical education, sport and recreation to children and youth
• provide access to food and nutrition insecurity
• provide services for homeless street people

Play Sport4Life, together with a few partners which included KENFAC Ratepayers, KENFAC CAN and the Pinelands CAN saw an opportunity to assist the community and forged partnerships to collaborate rather than doing it alone.

We work from within communities to build resilience to a multitude of social challenges as the primary means of providing for our beneficiaries as it had an enormous impact on the community we serve. Beneficiaries can now see how urban small-scale farming is an effective way to improve one’s socio-economic and health status. 

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