Ruach 3D


RUAH 3D is a group of 3D Printing enthusiasts who decided to form a community to HELP the front line fighters of COVID-19. To equip health workers with various 3D printed models like face shields and masks to assist them to safely perform their various tasks. This initiative was launched collectively on 27 March by 3D Printing Enthusiasts with the support of many contributors all over South Africa. Our volunteers are spread out across South Africa and our operation is managed remotely, therefore we are able to communicate, design and print 3D models from anywhere. We rely on volunteers and sponsors who offer their time, money and resources to successfully execute the great task at hand. 

United we conquer United we conquer all obstacles. We stand together to create hope within others. By standing together those who have, can help those that need. Our roots are planted in unity as we believe that only by working together can obstacles be overcome. We use 3D printers to make a difference in this world. We breathe hope back into the community.
We breathe 3D
We help those who can’t breathe
We protect those that can breathe

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