The Training Atelier


For most young people leaving school, the pressure is on to find the path to financial independence and a secure future. University or college continues to be the preferred choice for employers (and family members who want to lecture you when you visit!). However, for many young South Africans, it may not always be an option.


My journey has been an incredible learning experience. Trial and error has has taught me these fundamental business rules:

1. It is not actually about following your "passion" (I know right rolls eyes)

2. It is not about copying the latest international hipster trends to a hopefully untapped market

3. It is about identifying what your gift is, and building a business from that. Think about that for a minute.


My gift is "to put moving pieces together” because I have the ability to see the vision. I love to share everything I learn and help others to discover a new way.


Come and join me at a one of our workshops. It is designed to be a fun experience to learn a new skill. Use it as a gift or opportunity to generate income. These courses include a dedicated "how to turn this into a business" section. From tools and equipment to safety and best practice, website building and social media - we are going to be here to support your steps as you turn your creativity into a business.


Everyone is welcome. Age does not matter. No experience is required. Just bring an open mind and willingness to learn. You can do it!


You’re probably still wondering what an “Atelier” is. Atelier is an old French word used to describe a private workshop where one would train under a master. Yes. We are that confident in the experience we provide.

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