Weg Ry & Sleep Bakkie Run 2020

Thu Sep 3, 16:00 - Sun Sep 6, 10:00

Alldays Vliegveld


Welkom by die eerste Weg Ry & Sleep Bakkie Run.

Hoor jy hoe brul dit? Dis die geluid van die horde bakkies wat van heinde en ver afsit na Alldays vir die heel eerste Weg Ry & Sleep Bakkie Run. Bring jou bakkie Bosveld toe en kom wees deel van die plesier. Op die naweek van 24-27 April gaan ouens en vrouens sake uitspook op ‘n reeks hindernisbane en bakkie-uitdagings. Is jy dapper genoeg om die Twister, Damduiker, Grou-en-Klou, Bandmal en die Outlaw drag strip aan te durf? En sien jy kans vir ons Hardebaar-tydren deur een van die mooiste dele van ons land?


Hier is vier kategorieë waarin jy kan deelneem, dus maak dit nie saak watter bakkie jy het nie.

Of jy nou ’n windmaker-4x4 of ’n lendelam-plaasbakkie het, alles sal werk ... behalwe dalk jou ma se Tupperware-bakkie.


Maak ’n span bymekaar en beplan jul kostuums, maar kry jul agterstewe in rat. Die tyd raak min en plek is beperk.


Ons gaan ook groot makietie hou die Saterdag met kunstenaars op die verhoog, pretritte en springkastele vir die kinders, ‘n verskeidenheid uitstallers en natuurlik ‘n biertent en kosstalletjies te kies en keur.


Gaan loer by die Facebook-blad “Bakkie Run 2020” as jy wil weet waaroor dit gaan en bespreek by quicket.co.za.

1.      Datum: 24 – 27 April 2020

2.      Plek: Alldays, Limpopo

3.      Inskrywings open: Registrasies maak 20 Januarie oop. Ons beoog om jou in kennis te stel van suksesvolle registrasie binne twee weke (2 weke) van registrasie. Betaling moet geskied sodra jy goedgekeur word

Lees asseblief die "Regulations and Specifications" en maak seker jy verstaan dit!


Vir enige navrae rig n e-pos aan Francois Malan by [email protected]

Jy moet die inskrywingsvorm so volledig as moontlik invul. Die kriteria wat ons gaan gebruik word hier onder verduidelik. Alle bakkies van alle make, alle jare, 2-trek of 4-trek bakkies sal oorweeg word. Alhoewel daar sekere klasse geskep gaan word warain die verskillende tipe bakkies gaan deelneem word daar wel meer klem gele om dit te genie ten saam hierdie ikoniese Suid Afrikaanse voertuig te vier.

Sodra jou inskrywing goedgekeur is sal jy ‘n e-pos van Quicket af ontvang. Daarna moet jy weer op die webblad (quicket.co.za) gaan inteken en dan kan jy jou betaling afhandel.

4.      Koste: Die koste vir deelname beloop R1000 per persoon en R1750 per voertuig. Die koste vir ondersteuners is R300 per persoon.

5.      Daar sal ook weer hierdie jaar ’n tentedorp wees wat opgeslaan word sodat deelnemers nie self in die son en stof moet tent op- en afslaan nie. Daar sal twee verskillende opsies wees vir tente: Jy is ook baie welkom om van jou eie tent of Boswa gebruik te maak as akkommodasie.

a.      Basiese tent: Sluit in ‘n matras per persoon, die res moet jy self bring. Koste: R2500 vir die naweek per tent (twee persone).

b.      Luukse tent: Sluit in ‘n matras, ‘n bed, ‘n stoel en slaapsak. Koste: R4200 vir die naweek per tent (twee persone).


The Controllers of the event is Media24 Weg Ry & Sleep Bakkie Run Organizer
2.        AMENDMENTS
The Controllers reserve the right to introduce new Regulations and / or amend existing Regulations. Any such amendments / additions to the regulations shall, however, only come into effect once it has been published in an official email from Media24. Such changes to these Regulations shall be issued to competitors at least SEVEN (7) days prior to the event being held.  All additions / amendments will also be published on the official notice board at the event.
All events shall be held under the General Competition Rules (GCR's),
To declare a Bakkie Run overall winner for the year of 2020. To Create a fun and memorable experience for all competitors and visiting spectators and festival goers.
Class S                -             Standard production 4x4 (no alterations)
Class MS            -             Modified standard 4x4 (bolt on aftermarket accessories) limited to 2
Class P                -             Pro Production 4x4 (highly modified vehicles) Class TWD           -             All 2x4 vehicles (with penalty points for vehicles with a diff lock)
  • No drinking and driving will be tolerated. Any driver found drinking and driving or testing over the legal limit of breath alcohol content of 0.24mg per 1000ml will have his or her team summarily disqualified.
  • The driver must be in possession of a driver's license, Not expired
  • No-one under the age of eighteen (18) is permitted to be in control of the vehicle at any time during the event.
  • Drivers must be a minimum of eighteen (18) years old and Co-drivers must be a minimum of twelve (12) years old.
  • The event is open to competitors holding a minimum of an entry to the Weg Ry & Sleep Bakkie Run
    The event is open to any 2x4 two-wheel drive 4x4 four-wheel drive BAKKIE for which   drivers license would normally be required and is eligible to compete in the classes as defined above.
    7.         Clerk of the Course
                  The Clerk of the Course (CoC) may at his / her discretion exclude any vehicle deemed unsuitable for
    this type of event or deemed damaging to the obstacle course because of excessive weight, construction or any other reason. The decision to exclude such a vehicle will be made in
    consultation with the Chief Scrutineer.  The entry fee of any competitor excluded in this manner will be       refunded in full. Any objection against such a decision will become the subject of a Protest.
    A minimum number of ONE (1) eligible starters per class is required for that class to take part.
    The driver and co-driver of a specific vehicle will be awarded the same amount of points for the event.
    11.        Class S  :  (a) This is and covers all 4-wheel drive vehicles in full production condition excluding special additions or double difflock(front and Back) production vehicles.
    Class MS : (a) This covers all 4-wheel drive vehicles that has been modified with 2 or less modifications (integrated bull-bars front and back, aftermarket wheels and tyres exceeding 32.8", suspension upgrades etc)
    Class P : (a) This covers all 4x4 vehicles that does not fit into the above classes (must still be fully road-worthy)
    Class TWD : (a) all two wheel drive BAKKIES . A penalty of 50 points will be deducted from vehicles that has a diff lock
    12.1      All vehicles must in the opinion of the Controllers be safe and capable of completing the course.
    Brakes and steering mechanisms will be strictly scrutinized and normal safety requirements, such as properly secured batteries, will be checked.
    12.2      Open vehicles must be fitted with roll cages. Adequately mounted and positioned in such a way that the competitors are protected at all times.
    12.3      No paddle chain or snow type tires allowed.
    12.4      Factory fitted seat belts will be a minimum requirement
    12.5      A fire extinguisher, easily removable and fitted in a place easily accessible to driver, co-driver and officials, must be carried at all times. The fire extinguisher shall have a minimum capacity of 2kg and proof of purchase or service within the preceding twelve (12) months shall be furnished. The aforementioned servicing requirement does not apply to Fire Stryker extinguishers which are also acceptable. Fire extinguishers containing carbon tetrachloride shall not be used.
    12.6      Batteries to be in a covered battery box except batteries under a hood.
    12.7      Exhaust systems are unrestricted provided they meet with the DBA limits.
    12.8      Helmets will be needed for the drag race.
    12.9      No loose objects will be permitted in a competing vehicle or must be securely fastened.
    12.10    Where additional petrol tanks are fitted petrol caps must be properly sealed.
    12.11    Drivers and Co-Drivers must be protected from fire, fuel and hot radiator water by fire walls / splash
    13.       RECOVERY POINTS
    13.1      All vehicles must be fitted with recovery points at back and front and easily accessible. Shackles must be a minimum of 3.25 ton rated shackles. Tow balls will not be acceptable as recovery points.
    13.2      The Driver of a vehicle is responsible for the integrity of the recovery point.
    14.       GENERAL RULES
    14.1      No competitor will be allowed to start the event unless he / she has satisfied the officials concerned that all the necessary documentation has been completed, i.e. fully completed entry form and sign on sheet.
    14.2      Competitors will be allowed one (1) minute to inspect each obstacle, after which the Marshal will ask the competitor to proceed. Failure to abide by the ruling of the Marshal will lead to exclusion for that specific obstacle.
    14.3      Competitors may attempt the obstacle until he / she has lost all points for that obstacle, at which time his / her vehicle must be removed in such a way as to minimize damage to the obstacle.
    If a competitor cannot proceed any further in an obstacle and damages the obstacle by excessive spinning of the vehicle wheels or in any other way, the Marshal will stop the competitor, warn him / her and make a note on the score sheet to this effect.
    14.4      Only standard tyres, rated for use on the road and with a minimum speed rating of 100 kilometers
    per hour, will be permitted. Paddle tyres, tyre chains, studs, double wheels, etc. may not be used.
    14.5      After drivers briefing, competitors will draw the starting order for the first obstacle of the day for the
    different classes. The competitor who started the first obstacle first will fall into the back of the queue at the second obstacle and so on for the rest of the event.  If a competitor falls out of the competition, ranks will be closed so one competitor does not start consecutive obstacles first. If a competitor fails and comes back it will have to be in their correctly drawn place.
    14.6      The cut-off time for a group of competitors starting a new obstacle will be under the judgement of
    the COC.
    15.       EVENTS CUT-OFF TIME
                        Both days’ proceedings will be cut-off at 17h00.
    16.1      Competition numbers will be supplied by the organisers at documentation and must be applied in a clearly visible position on the left and right front side of the vehicle.
    17.       CREWS
    17.1      Competitors will only score points towards the category entered, namely driver and co-driver as shown on the entry form and must remain as such for the duration of the event. Only the CoC may authorise a change. Co-drivers may bypass a maximum of one obstacle per event if permitted by COC and will then score 0 points for that obstacle.
    18.       ROUTE
    18.1      Different classes may be required to complete different obstacles or sections of obstaclesand/or any rally stage or timed event.
    18.2      The route will consist of a minimum of ten (10) or a maximum of twelve (12) obstacles of which two
    (2) may be progressive obstacles and two (2) penalty obstacles and a time trail
    18.3      Crowd control must be maintained by demarcating the danger zones at obstacles by means of a banner tape, leaving enough maneuvering space for the competitors. Spectator tape must be a minimum of 3m from the straight line joining two adjacent gateposts.
    18.4      Obstacles shall be clearly marked by gates and competitors may not deviate from the route.
    18.5      The exit to each obstacle must be extended and marked with banner tape of a different colour, clearly indicating where the obstacle has ended with the intention of improving crowd control.
    18.6      The gates shall consist of two gateposts clearly marked with banner tape, 3m to 5m apart.
    18.7      The top of the gatepost must not be lower than 1meter and not higher than 1.5m above ground level.
    18.8      Plastic tubing not lower than 1.2 meters will be used as guide gates.
    18.9       The rally stage will consist of five (5) timed section. No over speeding will be allowed on NATIONAL, REGIONAL or LOCAL Roads. Any team found speeding will be summarily disqualified. Only at designated points
    18.10    The CoC reserves the right to alter the route or cancel any obstacle as deemed necessary after consultation with drivers and co-drivers with a majority rule. No obstacle will be cancelled after one competitor has attempted and/or successfully completed it.  If it is deemed necessary to alter an obstacle, after an attempt by a competitor, the competitor will be granted a second chance.
    18.11    Obstacles must be set out in such a manner that allows competitors to negotiate and / or complete the obstacle successfully. Progressive scoring may be used where it is envisaged that competitors may not be able to complete the obstacle successfully.
    18.12    Some obstacles will consist of water and mud.
    18.13    Where normal gateposts cannot be used, plastic cones may be placed as a gatepost and the whole cone including the base will be regarded as part of the gatepost. Both posts and gates must be marked clearly with colour coded 50mm duct tape.
    Class     S            -             Green
    MS          -            Blue
    P             -             Red
    TWD       -            White
    18.14    The front wheel hubs may not pass through the designated starting gate when taking a roll back.
    18.15    Reversing through a finishing gate is not permitted. Centre of front axle will deem start and most rear of vehicle will finish obstacle.
    19.1      General
    a)           A time limit will be imposed on each obstacle. A marshal will start the clock as soon as the
    start signal is given and the competitor will be deemed to have completed the obstacle when the rear most part of the vehicle crosses the imaginary line between the last two gateposts at the finish line.
    b)            If the organizer does not specify a time limit for an obstacle, a time limit of six (6) minutes per obstacle will be applicable.   If the competitor has not completed the obstacle within the time given, the marshal will stop the competitor and the competitor will forfeit all points for the specific obstacle.
    c)            Obstacles shall consist of minimum 6 (six) gates including start and finish gates unless otherwise specified at start gate.
    d)           Although no banner tape shall be used between gates for the purpose of demarcating the route, all points for the specific obstacle will be forfeited if the competitor touches the crowd control banner tape.
    e)           All points for the specific obstacle will be forfeited if the competitor:
    ?         Requests to bypass the obstacle (bypass)
    ?         Becomes stuck in an obstacle (stuck)
    ?         Fails to start the obstacle (no start)
    ?         Permits any outside assistance in the obstacle
    ?         Travels with two wheels over or outside any gatepost demarcating the route
    (abandon route)
    19.2      Progressive obstacles (forward movement)
    a)            Progressive points will be awarded every time the rearmost part of the vehicle passes through a gate with a maximum of hundred (100) point’s awarded per obstacle.
    b)            The number of points awarded to the competitor for passing through a gate must be indicated at the gate or at the start of the obstacle.
    c)           Twenty (20) points will be deducted if a competitor's vehicle touches a gate post (touch).
    d)            If the competitor's vehicle, to the judgement of a marshal, fails to proceed any further in an obstacle, after he was stopped by the marshal’s whistle the first time, and damages the obstacle by excessive spinning of the wheels or in any other way, the marshal will stop the competitor by blowing his whistle a second time and the competitor will be awarded progressive points less any penalties occurred up to that point (stop).
    e)            If a competitor allows his / her vehicle to move backwards by engaging reverse or freewheeling, to gain an advantage to the judgement of the marshal, he / she will be awarded progressive points less any penalties occurred up to that point (roll back).
    f)             If a competitor's vehicle travels with more than two wheels over or outside a gate post he / she will be awarded progressive points less any penalties occurred up to that point (abandon route).
    19.3      Penalty Obstacles
    a)           Sixty (60) points will be awarded when starting an obstacle.
    b)            Ten (10) points will be deducted every time a competitor allows his / her vehicle to move backwards by engaging reverse or freewheeling backwards.
    c)            A competitor will only be allowed three (3) roll backs between each pair of gates and will forfeit all points for that specific obstacle if a fourth roll back is taken between the same pair of gates.
    d)          Twenty (20) points will be deducted every time a competitor's vehicle touches a gatepost
    (touch post). Gate always stays live.
    e)            All points for the specific obstacle will be forfeited if the vehicle travels with more than two wheels over or outside a gate (abandon route) or touches the start or finish points.
    f)             If the competitor's vehicle, in the marshal’s judgement, fails to proceed any further in an obstacle, after he / she was stopped by the marshal’s whistle a first time, and damages the obstacle by excessive spinning of wheels or in any other way, the marshal will stop the competitor by blowing his whistle a second time.  The competitor has to stop immediately, move backwards to a position from where he / she feels comfortable that the obstacle can be re-negotiated and will be penalized for a roll back (roll back).
    g)            All points for the specific obstacle will be forfeited if a competitor's vehicle crosses over its own tracks (loop) between gateposts (abandon route).  However, driving forward, stopping and reversing so that the front wheels do not cross their own tracks will only count as a reverse.
    h)            When a roll back is taken, points will be deducted every time the vehicle moves from a
                   standing position.
                     i)            The matchbox principle will apply when a rollback occurs.
    20.       CONTROLS
    20.1      After scrutineering, all vehicles must be impounded in an area demarcated for this purpose and competitors will not be permitted to work on the vehicle while impounded.
    20.2      Before starting an obstacle, the competitor must know the exact route and must satisfy him- / herself that the obstacle is clear of vehicles and spectators and all banner posts are in an upright position.
    20.3      After finishing the obstacle, the competitor must stop in a safe area outside the obstacle or at the
    finishing point.  The score sheet must be marked and signed by the Marshal as well as the driver or
    co-driver before moving on to the next obstacle.  The scoring will be done by the Chief Scorer.
    21.1      No assistance is allowed within the boundaries of an obstacle.  If a vehicle cannot complete an obstacle because of breakage or any other cause, all points will be forfeited as obstacle failure and no second chance will be allowed.
    21.2      If the competitor's vehicle needs urgent repairs, he/she may elect to do such repairs by falling out of the competition for the duration of the repairs. The score book must be updated (obstacle noted as "Bypass") and signed off by the marshal and driver or co-driver.
    21.3      Upon completion of the repairs, the competitor may return to the competition provided that he / she re-enter the competition in his / her original starting position, rotation order and group to which he / she was assigned by the CoC at the beginning of the event. Once the group has moved away from a completed obstacle, the repaired vehicle will not be allowed to enter this obstacle.   All points for the obstacle missed by the competitor during his absence will be forfeited.
    22.      EXCLUSION
    Competitors will be excluded or regarded as non-finishers at the discretion of the CoC for:
    22.1      Failing to stop at any control point and not carrying out the instructions as set out in these regulations.
    22.2      Changing an obstacle by removing or shifting rocks, trees etc.
    22.3      Practicing on the course within thirty (30) days prior to the event.
    22.4      Behaving in a manner likely to prejudice the interest of motor sport generally.
    22.5      Driving dangerously, under the influence of liquor or drugs or without due consideration for other competitors or spectators.22.6      Committing any breach of the General Competition Rules (GCR’s)
    23.1      Competitors will be required to impound their vehicles on completion of scrutineering.
    23.2      On finishing the event all competitors will be required to place their vehicle in parc ferme where all vehicles will be held
    24.       AWARDS
    24.1       Trophies shall be awarded to the driver and co-driver placed first.
    24.2      The competitors with the highest-class points in the different classes will be announced the 4x4 class winning Drivers and Co-drivers.
    24.3      In the case of a tie, the competitors’ points will be filter on time trail and most 60 ,50,40,30,20,10 points.
    24.4      The overall event champion will be the Driver and Co-driver as stated by the Organizers

Terms and Conditions
  • You agree to these Terms and Conditions and any additional rules that may apply on the day of the Event, or that may be introduced by the Promotors to regulate the smooth running of the Event.
  • or (who may be outside South Africa) on the condition that they will take reasonable steps to keep such information confidential and use it for purposes allowed in terms of privacy legislation; (ii) the collection of your personal information from any other source to supplement the personal information which the promotor has about you; (iii) the retention of your personal information for as long as permitted for legal, regulatory, fraud prevention and marketing purposes; (iv) the use of your personal information to send you information about products, services, and special offers of Media 24, Sponsors or event sponsors that may be of interest or value to you. You can choose to be excluded from direct marketing by notifying Media24, Sponsors and the sponsors in writing or by registering a block on any registry which is bound by law to recognize. Media24, Sponsors and the sponsors will not charge you a fee to update this request on its systems. Media24 and the sponsor will give effect to any changes requested by you as soon as reasonably possible.
  • By participating in the Event, you consent to (i) the processing of your personal information by the Promotors and other companies, any of their operators, commercial partners, agents and sub-contractors.
  • Your personal information is collected by the promoters for purposes of the Event and you agree that we may process your information also for health and safety reasons. Medical information may be used to provide medical assistance if required.
  • Parking at the venue will be for your own account.
  • Entries to the Event are subject to availability. You can book Event entries via Quicket.co.za
    Should the Event be cancelled due to circumstances beyond the control of the Promotors or force majeure (for example: thundershowers/lightning, etc.), the Promotors will confirm the cancellation as soon as reasonably possible and shall have no further responsibility and/or liability thereafter.


    13h00 onwards: Arrival at Alldays Airfield for competitors and spectators
    17h00 - 20h00: Scrutineering and class identification
    05h30 - 08h30: Wake up call and own breakfast
    09h00: Festival gates open for public spectators
    08h30-09h15: Official briefing and rule explanation
    09h15: Start. Each competitor will get 4 minutes to complete an action or obstacle with a 2 min interval between
    17h00: Final cutoff
    05h30 - 08h30: Wake up call and own breakfast
    08h30-09h15: Official briefing and explanation of rally stage. 1 Minute interval for start with a total route of average 5 hours
    18h00: Prize giving wil commence
    Competitors’ departure


    Weg Ry & Sleep Bakkie Run 2020
    Alldays Vliegveld
    Alldays, 0909
    Get Directions