"ra-t" Reading at Lord's Wines in conjunction with Poetry in McGregor

Fri Aug 23, 19:00 - Fri Aug 23, 21:30

Lord's Wines Cellar


Lord's Wines in-conjunction with the McGregor Poetry Festival presents an intimate evening of dinner, wine and a live reading from the author of "ra-t" at the cellar situated 10km outside McGregor on the road-to-nowhere.

This ground level portrait of London’s history through the figures of ra-t and puss-in-boot-s sears with sonic booms and majestic word-play swivels. The figures, with their split names suggesting that they are broken, hesitant, slippery and under stress, draw upon our knowledge of their past as street survivors. This is more of a third person exploration than a giving of voice to those that are mute. The rats and cool cats of the underground mingle with the weeds, vegetables and butterflies, scurry between gaps and the people that walk the streets. Puss in boots in the fairy tale was capable of guile and deceit, and here, with ra-t, offers an alternative view of the city. Puss in boots, or the booted cat, dates back to sixteenth century Italy and spread across Europe with its various incarnations as helper and trickster. The most durable and adapted version being by Charles Perrault from 1697 and the one recently used in the film Shrek. Jana’s puss-in-boot-s plays on this and is more of an appropriation than adaptation of the figure. Similarly ra-t far from being an harbinger of death and disease is more of a witness. ra-t sings with vibrancy and colour, a breath away from stench and fire.

Poetry read by Margaret Clough & Juli Jana

If you would like to book transport from McGregor to Lord's Wines, please book your ticket and we will be in contact with you confirming all the necessary details.


"ra-t" Reading at Lord's Wines in conjunction with Poetry in McGregor
Lord's Wines Cellar
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