Fire Up Africa - World Record Firewalk

Mon Aug 3, 18:30 - Mon Aug 3, 21:00

Emperors Palace


Break the world firewalk record (unofficial) and break your limiting beliefs at the same time!

Let’s take charge of our own economy!
Let’s put an end to economic frustration! 

Break through your limits that hold you back to create the future you deserve.

You create your life by the decisions and actions you take. You will never achieve that which you set out to achieve if you function from beliefs that limit you. Those beliefs include “I am not good enough”, “I am not smart enough”, “I am not beautiful enough” and even “I do not have enough”. Firewalking is a powerful metaphor to overcome what you think is true and holds you back in life.

We all believe fire will burn us, but when you walk over a bed of coals hotter than 500C° you start to question what else is true in your life. Is it true that you are not good enough? Is it true you do not have enough? Nonsense! You have everything within you to make the changes you need in your life to build the future you deserve.

Fire Up Africa is here to help South Africans overcome their limiting beliefs and take charge of their own economy. Are you ready to take charge of your economy and build a better future for you and those around you?



Fire Up Africa - World Record Firewalk
Emperors Palace
64 Jones Rd, Kempton Park, 1627, South Africa
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