Meet Marga Grey of CoordiKids and Guest Speaker, Lizanne du Plessis!

Sat Feb 8, 09:00 - Sat Feb 8, 12:00

The Clover Venue


Listen to expert paediatric occupational therapists. Hierdie twee mense kom ‘n lang pad saam en wil graag vir jou en jou kind help op die pad na sukses. 

Listen to practical advice, easy to follow tasks. Geniet koffie en koek en lekker klets saam met ‘n pragtige span mense – almal reg om te deel en te luister.

Marga Grey

You’ll be surprised to see how easy it is to improve your child’s school performance

Performance at school, in the classroom, on the sports fields and in social groups, are reflecting on a child’s development in many different areas. Yes, genes and potential are part of this, but you can override these by encouraging optimal development in all areas. 

Learn how to implement daily strategies to make life easier for you child. Learn about the underlying developmental phases affecting school performance, e.g. the strong link between sensory issues and emotional regulation, movement and concentration, and many more.


Dis verrassend maklik om skoolprestasie te verbeter

Jou kind se skoolprestasie, insluitend in die klaskamer, op die sportgrond en in sosiale groepe, weerkaats die ontwikkeling van basiese vermoe?ns op baie verskillende gebiede. Ja, gene en potensiaal is deel van prestasie, maar jy kan baie probleme oorkom en prestasie verbeter deur optimale ontwikkeling van vermoe?ns.

Kom luister na daaglikse gewoontes en oefeninge wat jou kind se lewe makliker sal maak. Leer omtrent die onderliggende ontwikkelingstadiums wat skoolprestasie beïnvloed, byvoorbeeld die sterk band tussen sensoriese gedrag en emosionele stabiliteit, tussen beweging en konsentrasie, en veel meer.  

Lizanne du Plessis

Discovering your child’s uniqueness

Some children are social, alert and on the move. Others are laid-back, easy and adjustable. And then there are those who are sensitive, attentive and thoughtful. In this talk we will look at three different sensory temperament styles and how it affects the way that children think, feel and behave. We’ll discuss the advantages, disadvantages and challenges of each temperament style and look at creative ways to ensure a calm, connected and happy child. Having this knowledge is the key to building deep meaningful relationships and managing challenging behaviours. 

Ontdek jou kind se unieke temperament

Sommige kinders is sosiaal, op en wakker en aan die gang. Ander is gemaklik, rustig en aanpasbaar. En dan is daar dié wat sensitief, bedag en dalk effens terughoudend is. In hierdie praatjie gaan ons kyk na drie verskillende sensoriese temperamentstyle en hoe dít kinders se denke, emosies en optredes beinvloed. Ons sal die positiewe eienskappe sowel as die uitdagings van elke temperamentstyl bespreek asook kreatiewe maniere van hoe ons kalm, gebalanseerde en gelukkige kinders kan grootmaak. Hierdie kennis is die sleutel wanneer ons betekenisvolle verhoudings met ons kinders wil koester en uitdagende gedrag wil hanteer.