Yoni Mystery, Yoni Healing - A Webinar

Mon Sep 23, 19:00 - Mon Sep 23, 21:00

Event is online


A Webinar with Jonti Searll

Mon 23rd Sept, 7pm, CAT

The Yoni, Sacred Place, source of fascination, of pleasure, a portal to vitality, to life force, connected to the heart, to creation, to healing, to possibility.

For many of us, men and women, a mystery.

Often a place of pain, frustration and disconnect.

There is so much myth, misunderstanding and misinformation around the yoni, for men and women.

And, of course, the source of such pleasure.

We begin the webinar with the story of the disconnect, which for most women begins early in childhood, and follow that through your teens into adulthood, and look at the impact it’s had on your sexuality, your relationships, your sexual definition and power, or lack thereof, your pleasure, your relationship to your body etc.

Then we’ll start learning about:

Yoni Anantomy

How to find your, or her, Clitoris, P-Spot, G-Spot, A-Spot, U-Spot and more

What happens when you find them and can’t feel anything

The Fire of Arousal

How to touch

Pleasure Communication

Different Types of Orgasm

And The First Part of the Yoni Healing and Awakening Programme

There will also be time for questions

The webinar is R450/person, around $30, and includes a free download of my Yoni Massage DVD.