The Esther Project

Sat Nov 16, 09:00 - Sat Nov 16, 14:00

De La Mas


Celebrating the inner and outer beauty of being a woman.

Enjoy an informative morning with us where we touch on the impact of inner and outer beauty on your self-acceptance, self-love and self-awareness.


Dr. Carien Beneke will be discussing the following topics,

- Skincare, back to basics

- What skincare routine I should follow

- Everyday Skincare tips for different skin types


Natasha an Internationally qualified Beauty specialist with 9 years of industry experience sharing her top makeup tips.

A hands on makeup lesson where you can follow with Natasha the steps of applying your make-up flawlessly everyday.


Guest speaker Simone Nortmann is a celebrated South African actress, writer and coach. 

She will be doing an inspiring talk about being BOLD and courageous in a challenging world.

Moving from a place of inferiority, competition and fear to a place of power, influence and courage.

Included: Refreshments | Lunch | Gift of the day | Giveaway


When you take care of yourself you can take care of others. 

A small ritual like a skincare routine in the evening and a makeup routine in the morning can make the worlds difference on how you perceive yourself and others.

From Inferiority to Influence, you were made to be BOLD!

For more information: [email protected]

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