Entrepreneur 5.0 Gauteng

Thu Aug 29, 08:00 - Thu Aug 29, 17:00

The Maslow Hotel Sandton


Roger James Hamilton is back in South Africa for an event scheduled for the 29th of August 2019 and I'm super excited to be able to invite you to join me at one of his Entrepreneur 5.0 event in Gauteng. The last event he did in Gauteng was sold out and this one is already looking set to be the same with 30% of places already booked up. book now and get triple the value as beside you ticket you will also receive the following:

Free Wealth Spectrum Test: Discover which of the nine wealth spectrum levels you are currently at. Gain clear steps on what to focus on during the event

Free Wealth dynamics Profile:Get clarity now on how to follow your natural path and connect with entrepreneurs with complementary profiles during the event

This event is going to change the way you think about your business and society as a whole.We are about to undergo the biggest revolution we have seen as we move out of the Information Society (4.0) and move into Society 5.0 in 2020.This means as Entrepreneurs, we also need to be upgraded to be Entrepreneur 5.0 ready. Most Entrepreneurs are still using the old 4.0 and 3.0 business models even as we move into the 5.0 society and revolution.

During this event Roger will be sharing exactly what Society 5.0 and Entrepreneur 5.0 looks like and how you can already be preparing yourself and your business by learning some of the key tools that successful Entrepreneurs around the world are already using. You will learn the top 12 principles of the Entrepreneur 5.0 model, and see how to implement them into your current or new business. He will also share case studies of current fast growth companies that have already adopted this new model, and the impact they are having on the planet already.

Who should be attending these events?

Attend Entrepreneur 5.0 if:

  • You are a new start up looking for a winning business model
  • You are a growing business seeking the latest cutting edge tools
  • You are an expanding team planning for rapid growth
  • You are an investor looking for the smartest investment opportunities
  • You are in a job searching for the best step to take next

If you want to be one step ahead of the coming disruptions and opportunities, this once-in-a decade event is right for you.