Perch Achievement Map Workshop

Wed Jun 26, 17:00 - Wed Jun 26, 19:00

Perch Flexible Offices


An Achievement Map is a metacognitive tool that builds strong brain connections.

In this two hour evening workshop, you will build an Achievement Map using practical tools.

In two hours you will clearly articulate your goal using practical tools working from macro to micro. From there you will decide on the three first steps to get to your goal and then you will then build an Achievement Map around your main priority.

In the course of the workshop, you will understand how your map is a customised learning tool and how it helps you build neural connections related to your goal. In the two hours, we will start the process of building strong neural connections related to your goals, you will actively take part in a goal-centred learning expereince and you will come away with a useful map to use as a reference.

The workshop is open to people who know their goal and who want to make it happen!! It is not a goal-setting exercise - it is aimed at people who wish to drill down on the business, project or life goal they are currently working on or wish to initiate immediately. The workshop will explore and use your mind's ability to learn and change its thinking to get to your goal with organised direction! You will take away tools that you can use to build Maps for other projects or goals that require your brain's attention.

Due to the time constraint, work will be intense and require your full focus with no breaks.

Free to Perch Members - please use your promo code!! R600 to Perch non-members.

[email protected]


Perch Achievement Map Workshop
Perch Flexible Offices
37 Bath Ave, Rosebank, Johannesburg, 2196
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