Fri May 3, 20:00 - Sat May 11, 22:00
Adam Small Theatre Complex Lab
Senior students of the Stellenbosch University Drama Department will soon be presenting Bryony Lavery’s Frozen, a stimulating and thought-provoking contemporary British drama. Lavery is a renowned and award-winning playwright, and last year saw revivals of the play in London and other cities.
Frozen explores the disappearance over 15 years of Rhona, a 9-year old girl, and the devastating effects of this trauma on her mother Nancy and her family. At the same time, we follow the journey of Ralph, a paedophile serial killer, who is eventually caught and convicted of Rhona’s murder. The play offers a nuanced and sensitive view of both the mother’s and the perpetrator’s perspective. A third character, Agnetha, is an American psychiatrist and academic who specializes in researching the backgrounds of violent, serial murderers. She is asked to conduct psychological examinations on Ralph. Her evaluation of him reveals that he suffered severe physical and emotional abuse as a very young child, with far-reaching damage as a result.
The play is staged in an intimate setting in a non-traditional way and explores how these three characters’ lives intersect. Also present is a mysterious guard(ian), a fourth character, who guides us to consider the role of justice in our society. Uncomfortable questions are raised, such as who is to blame for violent, criminal behaviour of this kind? Is it possible in our society, where there are ever-increasing levels of abuse and murder of children, to forgive a person such as Ralph? Are we not all to blame to some extent if we cannot ensure that our children are raised safely and with love?
The production is directed by Sukki Hofmeyr and runs on 3,4 and 6,7,9,10,11 May 2019 at 20.00 in the Lab Studio, in the Adam Small Theatre Complex (formerly HB Thom).
Tickets can be bought online from Quicket or at the door. Please note that seating is limited. R70 for the public and R60 for students. There is a 14 age restriction for this production.
Bryony Lavery se stimulerende en uitdagende kontemporêre Britse drama, Frozen, word binnekort deur senior studente van die Universiteit Stellenbosch se Dramadepartement op die planke gebring. Lavery is ? bekende en bekroonde dramaturg en herlewings van die toneelstuk het verlede jaar in Londen en ander stede die lig gesien.
Frozen ondersoek die verdwyning van Rhona, ? 9-jarige meisie, en die verwoestende gevolge van hierdie trauma op haar ma, Nancy, en haar familie oor ? tydperk van 15 jaar. Terselfdertyd volg ons die reis van Ralph, ? pedofiel-reeksmoordenaar, wat uiteindelik gevang en skuldig bevind word aan Rhona se moord. Die toneelstuk bied ? genuanseerde en sensitiewe siening van beide die moeder en die moordenaar se perspektief. Ons ontmoet ook ? derde karakter, Agnetha, wat ? Amerikaanse psigiater en akademikus is wat spesialiseer in navorsing oor die agtergronde van gewelddadige reeksmoordenaars. Sy word gevra om sielkundige evaluerings op Ralph te doen. Haar evaluerings onthul dat Ralph ? slagoffer van ernstige fisieke en emosionele mishandeling as ? jong kind was, met wesenlike skade as ? gevolg.
Die toneelstuk word op ? nie-tradisionele manier in ? intieme speelruimte aangebied en ondersoek die raakpunte tussen hierdie drie karakters se lewens. ? Vierde karakter, dié van ? geheimsinnige wag, is ook teenwoordig en lei die gehoor om die rol van geregtigheid in ons samelewing te oorweeg. Ongemaklike vrae word gevra, soos wie moet blameer word vir gewelddadige, kriminele gedrag van hierdie aard? Is dit moontlik in ons samelewing, waar daar toenemende vlakke van mishandeling en kindermoord voorkom, om ? persoons soos Ralph te vergewe? Word ons nie almal tot ? sekere mate aanspreeklik as ons nie ons kinders se veiligheid en liefdevolle opvoeding kan verseker nie?
Frozen staan onder die regie van Sukki Hofmeyr en speel in die Lab Studio van die Adam Small Teaterkompleks (voorheen die HB Thom-teater) op 3, 4 en 6, 7, 9, 10 en 11 Mei 2019 om 20:00.
Kaartjies kan aanlyn by Quicket of by die deure gekoop word. Let asseblief daarop dat sitplekke beperk is. R70 vir publiek en R60 vir studente. Daar is ? 14 ouderdomsbeperking vir hierdie toneelstuk.