Fri Apr 6, 18:00 - Sun Apr 8, 16:00
Nairobi Garage
Traffic costs Nairobi KSh2 Billion a year. The poorest people actually pay the most for transport—as much as 46% of their income in some cases. 1.25 million people die each year in road accidents. What will you do?At CONNECTNairobi, the focus is on making Nairobi and other cities in the region more accessible, safer, cleaner, and a better place for all residents to live. With billions of dollars and millions of hours lost each year to gridlock traffic, air pollution, and road accidents, making transport in Nairobi more sustainable and efficient is one of the biggest challenges the city faces. This same challenge is growing worldwide, and we need you to help solve it. Your entries will address:
-access and inclusion for everyone, especially those who are typically excluded from the city and the transport system
Sponsored by the Transformative Urban Mobility Initiative (TUMI), this hackathon will bring your innovative ideas and leading technology platforms together to tackle these challenges. TUMI is the leading global implementation initiative on sustainable urban mobility supporting urban decision makers to accelerate and scale their efforts through finance, capacity building and fast-scaling pilot project. And TUMI is looking to you to build the products and solutions those cities need.
WhereIsMyTransport has partnered with Facebook for Developers and Developer Circles from Facebook to host The CONNECT Series of Hackathons in five cities across Africa.
CONNECTNairobi is the finale of this five city series, the culmination of innovation, creativity, and problem-solving for city residents. Using the Facebook Places API and the WhereIsMyTransport Public Transport API, you can build solutions to your city’s most pressing challenges.
The winning team stands to win $1000 USD. TUMI will also be launching an exciting new initiative at the hackathon, which will be announced soon—but winners could receive more than $10,000 in support for their innovations. Stand-out teams can also win Palmclub Premium Memberships from the Palmstore, which includes promotional support of $2000, mentorship, possible investment, and support from the makers of Tecno, Infinix, Itel, and other leading brands. Second and third place stand to win Facebook coupons valued at $500 each, and the top three teams secure a year of free access to the WhereIsMyTransport Public Transport API.
Participants in each CONNECT Hackathon are invited to create innovative location-aware applications for the inhabitants of African cities.
These Hackathons will over a single weekend, provide access and expertise to help participants build mobile solutions that combine the Facebook Places API and the WhereIsMyTransport Public Transport API.
The winning team stands to win $1000 USD, and runner ups stand to win Facebook ad coupons to the value of an additional $1000, and a year’s worth of free access to the WhereIsMyTransport Public Transport API.
Participants may enter as a team, or as individuals. Participants will be required to register in teams of four at the Hackathon.
Organised by WhereIsMyTransport Ltd (“Organisers”)
Sponsored by WhereIsMyTransport Ltd and Facebook, (“Sponsors” “Us”)
No entry fee. For up to date scheduling, check
The Hackathon is open to individuals
- who have registered online to attend the event
- who are invited by the Sponsors to participate in the Hackathon
- who are at least eighteen years old
The following individuals may participate in the hackathon, but are not eligible to be awarded any prize or remuneration for the Hackathon:
- No director or employee of WhereIsMyTransport Ltd and/or Bitwise Development and members of their immediate family and/or partners; nor members of the sponsors and/or any of their affiliated companies and/or agencies, and members of their immediate family.
- Individuals directly involved with the design, production, promotion, execution, or distribution of the Hackathon, and each member of their immediate family or household.
- Any individual or organization whose participation in the Hackathon would create, in the sole discretion of the Sponsor, a real or apparent conflict of interest.
- Any Judge (defined below), or company or individual that employs a Judge.
To participate, You must reserve a free ticket on the quicket ticketing platform and complete to any subsequent registration materials.
Your Participation: You must participate as part of a team of up to four (4) people. Switching teams is not allowed. Sponsors are not responsible for, and will not assist in resolving, any disputes between team members. To participate, You must attend the opening event on Friday night to create and register a team, and the final presentation on Sunday afternoon. You must make Your own travel and accommodation arrangements and cover all associated costs and expenses. You, as a Participant, must supply your own laptop or computer.
The purpose of this hackathon is to create and develop innovative products, tools, processes, or other project connected to or using the WhereIsMyTransport Ltd Transport API and the Facebook Places API (“Entry”). Identical access to the API and documentation will be provided to all Participants.
A team may only submit one Entry. Incomplete Entries may be disqualified. Each Entry must:
- Conform to entry requirements that will be specified at the hackathon, and which will include information about the team members, a short description of the entry, and how its success would be measured.
- Participants will be provided with a pitch deck to guide and assist in the final presentation.
- Conform to any requirements set out at the hackathon in question.
- Each participant will retain ownership of all intellectual property rights to their or the team's submission.
- By making a submission for the Hackathon, You represent and warrant that Your work is Your own original work and that You are not infringing or violating of any intellectual property rights or other rights of a third party.
- You may submit a Submission that includes the use of Open Source Software or hardware[1] as defined below, provided You comply with the requirements of this section.
- By making a submission, or accepting any prize, You represent and warrant the following:
- You will not submit content that is copyrighted, protected by trade secret or otherwise subject to third party intellectual property rights or other proprietary rights, including privacy and publicity rights, unless You are the owner of such rights or have permission from their rightful owner.
- You will not submit content that is unlawful, obscene, defamatory, libellous, threatening, pornographic, harassing, hateful, racially or ethnically offensive, or encourages conduct that would be considered a criminal offence, give rise to civil liability, violate any law, or is otherwise inappropriate or destructive to the Organizers brand image or goodwill.
- Your entry or participation in any aspect of this Hackathon is not forbidden by any existing agreements, including policies or contractual obligations You may have with Your employer.
· By participating in the Hackathon You consent to the use of personal information about You. You consent to the use of Your personal information by the Sponsor, Sponsor’s Partners, Administrator, and third parties acting on their behalf. Such personal information includes, but is not limited to, Your name, likeness, photograph, voice, opinions, comments and hometown and country of residence. It may be used in any existing or newly created media, worldwide without further payment or consideration or right of review, unless prohibited by law. Authorized use includes advertising and promotional purposes.
· The duration of Your consent is for a period of three years following the conclusion of the Hackathon. This consent applies, as applicable, to all members of a Your Team or Organization that participated in the winning Submission.
- You represent and warrant that the Sponsor, Administrator, and Hackathon partners are free to use Your Entry in the manner described above, as provided or as modified by the Administrator, without obtaining permission or license from any third party and without any compensation to You. You will, however, be attributed as the creator and owner of these works.
- You agree that nothing in the Official Rules grants You a right or license to use any Sponsor or Administrator name, trademark or service mark.
- You acknowledge that we, other entrants or others may have developed or commissioned materials similar or identical to Your Entry, or may develop something similar in the future, and You waive any claims You may have resulting from any similarities to Your Entry.
- You understand that Sponsors cannot control the information You disclose to us or our representatives in the course of participating in the Hackathon, or what we or our representatives will remember about Your Entry. You also understand that we will not restrict work assignments of representatives who have had access to Your Entry. By participating in the Hackathon, You agree that we may use any information in our representatives’ unaided memories in the development or deployment of our products or services without liability or compensation to You. We are not responsible for any unauthorized use of Your Entry by those accessing or viewing Your Entry.
Business Relationship: Mere participation in this Hackaton does not create an obligation on either Your part or Sponsors’ part to negotiate or enter into any business relationship or to sign any commercial agreement.
Privacy and Publicity: The Administrator collects personal information from You when You enter the Hackathon. Personal data You provide in Your Entry in connection with Your Entry will be used for purposes described in the Official Rules and used and protected as governed by the Privacy Policy posted on the WhereIsMyTransport website:
? Scoring of Entries:When available, a panel of 3-5 people with relevant expertise will be responsible for judging Entries. Alternative arrangements may be made to perform judging solely by peer review.
The Entries will be judged based on the following criteria:
Potential Value/Benefits (25%): does this entry solve a real problem that people have, or offer them value? Does it help them do something that they could not do before?
Innovation and Creativity (40%): does this entry approach a problem in an innovative way? Does it use either unique technical or process innovations that have not been seen before? Does it create new technology or process, or combine existing technologies or processes in a new way? Does this entry demonstrate creativity, in its approach, techniques, design, or other aspects of the entry?
Use of the WhereIsMyTransport API and Facebook Places(15%): to what extent does this entry utilise the platforms and/or data within? How sophisticated, unique, or creative is the way in which the platform is used?
Readiness and Scalability (10%): does this entry have a good grasp of what would be needed to implement it in the real world? Is there a good understanding of the market and potential business case, strategy, or audience? Is it scalable? This doesn’t mean that the entry must be ready for implementation tomorrow, rather that there is a good understanding of what it would take to get it there, and that it is possible for that to happen.
The Pitch (10%): was the pitch compelling and polished? Did it clearly explain how the entry provides value to users in a creative and innovative way? Was it exciting to watch and professional?
The Entry that earns the highest overall score will win. The decisions of the judges will be final. In the event of a tie, judges will deliberate to determine the winner. If judges are not available, winners will be chosen by peer review.
Each Participant or team must be available during the judging period to demonstrate the Participant’s or team’s Entry. Each Entry must be original, of the Participant’s or Participant’s teams own creation and newly written during the Hackathon and must not have been entered in any other competition or program similar to the Hackathon, including other competitions conducted by Sponsors. “Newly written” means that Participants cannot in any way copy software code that already privately exists, and submit it as part of an Entry. Entries may be subject to a due diligence review at any time for eligibility and compliance with these Terms. Determination of eligibility and compliance is at the sole discretion of Sponsors. Sponsors reserve the right to disqualify any Entry if the Entry or a Participant or a Participant’s team does not comply with these Terms.
Prizes and Awards: The prizes and awards to be awarded are as follows:
- Cash Prize: The winning team will receive a cash prize equivalent to USD $1000.
- Facebook Ad Coupons: Two Runner-ups (Second and third place) will receive a portion of ad coupons for Facebook ad credits to the value of $1000.
- Access to the WhereIsMyTransport Platform: For the period of one year after the hackathon, all teams who participate in the hackathon, and complete the final presentation
Payment of cash prize my take up to 30 working days, and will be paid to a single account for the winning group.
Winners will be chosen after the final presentations. If a selected winner cannot be contacted, is ineligible, fails to claim a prize and/or where applicable an affidavit of eligibility and publicity/liability release is not timely received, is incomplete or modified, the prize may be forfeited and an alternate winner will be selected from remaining valid, eligible Entries timely submitted.
Publicity:Except where prohibited, by participating in the Hackathon, Participant consents to the use of his/her name, photo and/or likeness, biographical information, entry and statements attributed to Participant (if true) for advertising and promotional purposes, including without limitation, inclusion in Sponsors’ newsletters, Sponsors’ website any of the Sponsors’ social media accounts or outlets without additional compensation.
Indemnity:You agree to release, indemnify, defend and hold Sponsors and their parents, affiliates, subsidiaries, directors, officers, employees, sponsors and agents, including advertising and promotion agencies, and assigns, and any other organizations related to the Hackathon, harmless, from any and all claims, injuries, damages, expenses or losses to person or property and/or liabilities of any nature that in any way arise from participation in the Hackathon or acceptance or use of a prize or parts thereof, including without limitation (i) any condition caused by events beyond Sponsors’ control that may cause the Hackathon to be disrupted or corrupted; (ii) any claim than an Entry infringes third party intellectual property or proprietary rights; (iii) any disputes among team members, (iv) any injuries, losses, or damages (compensatory, direct, incidental, consequential or otherwise) of any kind arising in connection with or as a result of the prize, or acceptance, possession, or use of the prize, or from participation in the Hackathon; (v) any printing or typographical errors in any materials associated with the Hackathon; technical errors that may impair Your ability to participate in the Hackathon; or (vi) errors in the administration of the Hackathon.
Conflicts and taxes:Participation in the Hackathon is subject to all national, provincial and local laws and regulations. Void where prohibited or restricted by law. You are responsible for checking applicable laws and regulations in Your jurisdiction before participating in the Hackathon to make sure that Your participation is legal.
You are responsible for abiding by Your employer's policies regarding participation in the Hackathon and ensuring that Your Submission does not violate any policies set by Your company/employer. You are further responsible for ensuring that Your participation in the Hackathon and Your Submission does not violate any contractual obligations or other legal obligation You may have regarding confidentiality or intellectual property ownership to Your company/employer. Sponsors disclaim any and all liability or responsibility for disputes arising between You and Your employer related to this Hackathon.
You are responsible for all taxes and reporting related to any award that You may receive as part of the Hackathon. You may be subject to background screening as needed to assure the Sponsors’ legal compliance.
General:Sponsors reserve the right, in their sole discretion, to cancel, modify or suspend the Hackathon in whole or in part, in the event of fraud, technical or other difficulties or if the integrity of the Hackathon is compromised, without liability to the Participants. Sponsors reserve the right to disqualify any Participant, as determined by Sponsors, in their sole discretion.
What can we make?
You can make anything! A mobile app, website, a plug-in, or even an algorithm. Your creation can address the need for people to understand their surroundings, helping business, and people CONNECT in the cities they live in.
Do I have to know how to code?
While knowledge of programming, software and hardware design, and other tech skills are useful, you don’t have to be a coder to be part of a winning team. Whether you’re a public transport user yourself, an urban planner, or a writer, you just need passion and ideas.
Do I have to be there the whole time?
No. Friday night opens with a public event where you’ll learn about the context, details of the data and the platforms you’ll have access to, and the challenges of mobility, and the value that Facebook Places has to add. You’ll choose your teams, and then return Saturday morning to start hacking. You don’t need to stay all day on Saturday or Sunday, as long as your entry is ready to be pitched Sunday afternoon.
What is provided?
We’ll provide the space, power, and wifi, along with food, drinks, and of course coffee.
Where can I get more information on the APIs?
For all the information and documentation you may need, visit, or
I have other questions?
Contact us on hello(@)
- 18:00 Meet & Greet, drinks and food
- 18:30 Speakers and Q&A
- Welcome
- Sustainable Mobility:
- Representative from GIZ
- Representative from Sustainable Transport Africa
- The WhereIsMyTransport Platform
- The Facebook Developers Circle
- 20:00 Break away to create groups & register groups.
- Participants will register their groups on google forms.
- 22:00 Close
Day 2
- 09:00 Open - Breakfast snacks, coffee available throughout the day.
- Hacking!
- 13:00 Lunch is served
- 14:00-14:45 Pitch Workshops
- Facilitators and support through the day by event facilitators.
- 19:00 Dinner
Day 3
- 09:00 Open - breakfast snacks.
- 10:00 Presentations hand-in
- 11:30 Snacks
- 12:00 Introduce judges and summarize events of the weekend.
- 12.30 - 14.30 Presentations by participants.
- 15:00 Judge’s deliberations
- 15:30 Prizes awarded
- 17:00 Close Venue