'Auntie always said...'

Fri Sep 22, 18:30 - Fri Sep 22, 21:00

St Margaret's Church Hall Fish Hoek


World premier play reading of his new one-man play 'Auntie always said..' by Peter Voges the Cape Town playwright. One of Peter's plays,' Henrietta with love' , was successfully staged at the Artscape Theatre in 2015, and was nominated for the Standard Bank Ovation Award at the National Arts Festival in Grahamstown in 2016. 'Auntie always said..' is a one-man play based on a real-life Auntie who lived around the corner and reminisces in her delcining years about war, rationing, elections and the forced removals from District Six. It includes uncomfortable truths on how the elderly are discriminated against. 



'Auntie always said...'
St Margaret's Church Hall Fish Hoek
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