Unogwaja Challenge 2017

Wed Jun 14, 16:00 - Mon Jul 31, 23:55

Southern Sun Hotel, Waterfront, Cape Town to Pietermaritzburg


Unogwaja 2015 Short Film     

Unogwaja Light Fund - Empowering people

Unogwaja is a South African story of hope that we can all be part of.
This 10 day cycle from Cape Town to Pietermaritzburg to run the Comrades Marathon on day 11 is a journey of the heart inspired by the life of Phil Masterton-Smith who in 1933 couldn’t afford the train fare from Cape Town to Pietermaritzburg so he cycled up instead and finished 10th in the race. He died in World War Two in 1942. His nickname was “Unogwaja” meaning hare in Zulu and his legacy lives on in the Unogwaja Challenge. His life reminds us of the importance of each of our actions and how much impact they can have. 
The core mission of Unogwaja lies beyond the physical event. It’s mission is to raise significant funds to invest in South Africa through people and organisations who believe in “self-reliance”. The Unogwaja Light Fund supports people to acquire the necessary skills and means to help themselves and each other and not rely on charity handouts. The vision is to support Unogwaja “Lights” all over South Africa, igniting individual change makers within communities and work together towards a lasting and important legacy.

For Unogwaja fundraising terms, please see