Spider Bite & Scorpion Sting First Aid Workshop
Sun Feb 9, 12:00 - Sun Feb 9, 15:00
Kloofendal Nature Reserve
The spider bite and scorpion sting first aid workshop is a practical introduction to the fascinating subject of spider bites and scorpion sting first response. It is based upon a new first response framework that Jonathan has developed that reduces the chance of being bitten by a spider or stung by a scorpion. And also, ensures the best possible outcome should a spider bite or scorpion sting occur in humans and animals.
The workshop consists of an outdoor presentation during which Jonathan will share visuals that help the participants see the bigger picture, and fast track their understanding of this subject. Afterwards there will be an interactive session that teaches the 4 factors that influence symptom severity, and how these factors have a profound impact upon the outcome of a bite or sting.
Then finally the participants will spend some time in search of spiders and scorpions, focusing upon the natural history and practical aspects of these fascinating creatures.
Jonathan Leeming is a best selling author, international speaker and award winning conservationist. He has been assisting Doctors, medical professionals, organisations, consulting for poison information helplines as well as presenting and contributing as a panel member at medical conferences for the past 15 years, He is southern Africa’s leading authority on spider bite and scorpion sting first response.
Meet at the Ecological Centre 15 minutes before the event. This event will go ahead regardless of the weather. For queries, please contact the Friends of Kloofendal (phone, WhatsApp) on 079 693-5608. For more information about Kloofendal Nature Reserve, please go to www.kloofendalfriends.org.za