Men's Conference 2025 - Cape Town
Sat Mar 8, 09:00 - Sat Mar 8, 15:30
Hillsong Church Century City
The greatest will be the servant. The last shall be first. The meek will inherit the earth. The peacemakers are the sons of God. The humble will be honoured. Those who are weak are called strong. These are the upside-down ways of the kingdom we belong to. This is the mandate we men are called to live by. As Jesus said, "My kingdom is not of this world" and neither are we. Join us for Men's Conference this year as we go after what it truly means to be a men of this Upside Down Kingdom where Jesus reigns as King.
Gauteng: Friday, 7 March
Cape Town: Saturday, 8 March
We’ll be hearing from our lead pastor, Ps Sanga Samways.
Don’t miss out! Register today.