Historic Hotel Ghost Dinner - JOHANNESBURG - 23 November 2024 - R 599 PER PERSON (6pm - 10pm)
Sat Nov 23, 18:00 - Sat Nov 23, 22:00
Sunnyside Park Hotel (Holiday Inn), Parktown, Johannesburg
Men jacket & tie (or bow tie) / ladies long dresses. Or dress up in period costume (even Victorian).
(1). IF YOU WANT TO STAY OVER (or for a get-away)
If you mention to our dinner venue, Sunnyside Park Hotel (Holiday Inn) tel 087 630 0446 that you are attending the event, you will get a discount rate.
IMPORTANT: Our acts below are entirely different to the acts we present at our 'Haunted Train' Ghost Dinner Shows in Heidelberg (Gauteng).
Due to this unique & popular production people travel from afar, where you will be served a 5-star, 3-course meal in "The Attic". The dinner is interspersed with the 3 Acts below, where you will be entertained by the inimitable & dramatic creator of the famous long-running SA's Mystery Ghost Tours, Mark Rose-Christie, in person.
(1). Act 1: "Tour" (inside & outside hotel) - Our production begins with an historic tour of the olde hotel, including the Tower, the Tudor corridor that reminds one of the movie "The Shining", the grand staircase, the old ball room, a legendary private garden, and of course "The Attic". The tour is followed by Starters.
(2). Act 2: "Real Encounters" (held in "The Attic"). Mark will talk about his real life direct & riveting ghost & poltergeist encounters over the years, and those also experienced by entire groups of guests on SA's Mystery Ghost Tours in various cities around South Africa. The talk ends off with a specially made radio studio recording, with eerie music and special sound effects to chill one to the bone regarding the correct version of South Africa's most famous ghost: "The Uniondale Hitchhiker". The Main course is then served.
(3). Act 3 : "The Spirit Curtain" (held in "The Attic"). This is the highlight of the evening, where Mark performs a 'Spirit Curtain Act', just like the ones which magicians like "The Davenport Brothers" performed as stage shows (using 'Spirit Curtains' or 'Spirit Cabinets') during the olde Victorian era. The act winds up with a surprise climax which you will talk about for years. Dessert is then served.
Drinks NOT included in ticket price
Menu on our website www.MysteryGhostProductions.co.za
If you have any special dietary requirements then send an email to [email protected] once you have booked your tickets.
All Details & Full Description of this event on our website @ www.MysteryGhostProductions.co.za
Duration 6pm - 10pm
"The Attic" at Sunnyside Park Hotel (Holiday Inn), Parktown, Johannesburg
Meet inside "The Attic"
Make sure you get exit code via SMS when you enter hotel parking lot
Strict Formal Dress Code: Men - Jackets & Ties / Ladies - Long Dresses. Or dress up in period costume (even Victorian costume).
Bring Pub Money
T's & C's apply @ www.MysteryGhostProductions.co.za
(4). HOW TO PAY:
Here at QUICKET you can use a Credit Card, Debit Card, EFT, or Bank Deposit. You can choose to print your ticket, or have it sent by SMS.