Sat Sep 21, 09:00 - Sat Sep 28, 17:00
The Stilbaai Fynbos Festival is an initiative of the Tuin-op-die-Brak Fynbos Park committee in Stilbaai. The the first and very successful Stilbaai Fynbos Festival took place in 2023.
The festival is a celebration of the rich Fynbos and other biodiversities of the area. The aim of the festival, and Tuin-op-die-Brak is to enhance the protection and conservation of Fynbos through knowledge and awareness.
Tuin-op-die-Brak is a non-profit body and committee members are all local volunteers. The Hessequa Municipality looks after the maintenance of the gardens and buildings - for which we are very thankful.
Die Stilbaai Fynbosfees is 'n inisiatief van die Tuin-op-die-Brak Fynbospark se komitee. Die eerste en baie suksesvolle Stilbaai Fynbosfees het in 2023 plaasgevind.
Die fees is 'n viering van die ryk Fynbos en ander biodiversiteite van die area. Die hoofdoel van die fees, en Tuin-op-die-Brak is om die bewaring van Fynbos te promoveer deur middel van kennis en bewusmaking.
Tuin-op-die-Brak is 'n nie-winsgewende liggaam en komiteelede is inwoners wat vrywillig dien. Die Hessequa Munisipaliteit versorg die tuine en geboue en hiervoor is ons innig dankbaar.