Rescue Remedy
Thu Sep 5, 19:30 - Sun Sep 8, 20:30
You’ve had enough of your dad. You’re determined to leave him in the rear-view mirror but your car breaks down so you have to call dad for help. Dad can be brutish, but in our most desperate hour he is there to catch us.
Rescue Remedy is a queer kid’s hilarious, tragic attempt to understand their dad. How could you give up on family?
Jy’t genoeg van pappa gehad. Jy los hom in die stof, dan breek jou kar so jy moet vir pappa bel. Pappa kan varklik oorkom, maar as jy struikel sal hy jou vang.
Rescue Remedy is ‘n moffiekind se snaakse, tragiese poging om hulle pappa te verstaan. Kan jy afskeid neem van jou familie?
Writer and performer: Roland du Preez
Director: Tailyn Ramsamy
Genre: Comedy/drama
Languages: English & Afrikaans
Running time: 50 min
Ticket price: R180
(free glass of wine or soda)
Dates and times: 5th, 7th & 8th September at 19:30