The Leading Conversation - LIVE
Tue Apr 18, 18:30 - Tue Apr 18, 20:30
Kelvin Grove Banquet hall
This event is a coming together of some top minds and performers in South Africa's sporting landscape to discuss leadership into the 21st century. How does one create the ultimate environment for performance? What is the ultimate environment for performance? How, under extreme pressure, can you build an empowered culture? These are just some of the questions that will be discussed on the night.Although using elite sport as a means to delve into the topic of leadership this debate is aimed at anyone interested in leading performance in the 21st century - more specifically, in business.
This interactive live debate will involve people from the audience and seek to challenge commonly held narratives around leadership. It seeks to move away from the traditional 'key note speaker' event to something that id dynamic, unrehearsed and riveting.
The event should last roughly one and a half hours.