Feminine power Fun run

Sat Aug 17, 08:00 - Sat Aug 17, 13:00

Bertrand's Café


In celebration of women's month , feminine power is hosting a run to bring women and young ladies together . So .........

Join us for a Fun Run like no other!

*Menstruation Awareness & Pad Poverty Event*

When: August 17th, 2024

Time: 8am

Where: Bertrand Cafe (Starting and Finish Line)

*Walk, Run, Engage, Network, Build Community!*

This event is not a race, but a celebration of unity and support. Let's come together to raise awareness about menstruation and pad poverty.

and enjoy a delicious meal from Bertrand Cafe!

*Bring Pads for donations*

*Wear a PINK top* to show your support!

Join us for a fun-filled morning and let's make a difference together!

Register now and be a part of this amazing initiative!