No under 16s

Seasons of Longing Film Cape Town

Wed Jun 5, 18:00 - Wed Jun 5, 20:00

The Labia


Seasons of Longing, a biofiction short film, is about a queer love that took place long before our time. When love had to adapt to survive. But nearly 100 years later, that love still exists. In 1930s South African photographs taken by the lovers, uncovered in a forgotten family archive.

The event will begin with a brief introduction into the photographs, followed by a screening of Seasons of Longing and finally a panel discussion between the creators.

About the Film:

Set in the Drakenberg mountains during a pre-technology era, Seasons of Longing plays out between two worlds. The outside fields where the two lovers live freely and an evening family dinner where they’re confined to social norms. The film shows the emotional navigation of belonging and un-belonging: feeling free in the wild, open landscapes, but constrained in the house with the family. Seasons of Longing shows how queers have always had to adapt to their environment to survive. That despite centuries of secrecy, queer love has always been there, you just have to look.


Seasons of Longing Film Cape Town
The Labia
68 Orange St, Gardens, Cape Town, 8000
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